today has been less melancholic than USUAL. Worked like a slave girl in a brothel. metaphorical sense. But literally today was stressful as. You may think retail is eazy. It is in some ways but it’s very stressful trying to sell clothes to an obese, demanding European woman who walks around the entire change rooms in her size 1000 TRIPLE Z bra and demands to try on the same item the same size in different 5673902 colours then as she goes to pay for her items wants to know why she cannot get a cash refund if she does not enjoy the same clothes tomorrow. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Cool.
Highlight of the Day = Industrie is opening next door and 2 of their hawtie hawt boiz came in to borrow cleaning supplies from us. WOW WOW WEE WAH! Absolutely, mind-blowingly, amazing. I fainted at the register. But they so knew they were kewl ‘it’ boiz. Vomit. Anyway, They open tomorrow. =D YAY!!! hopefully they will become friends with our store because general pants and dotti h8 us.
LAWL. ^_^
I want to crush my brother and grind his bones to make my bread as he goes on YEWT00B & plays SCHWEET GAMEZ and uses up all the fing internet. (jks =) luv yew Cam) Also, i hope that Optus and anyone/thing associated with Optus dies a slow and tormented death just like i do when they limit my phone reception (to Emergency Call Only) for days at a time or cut the internet out on me while i try to post this blog FOR NO REASON AT ALL WHATSOEVER! Why, why why? & why don’t you reconnect for me but for other people you do. It’s like someone out there (probably God because he H8s me dw the feeling is quite mutual) is trying to PUNK me all day long.
I H8 U OPTUS! **hisses/growls/scratches/bites**
(possibly my best rant yet? i vote definitely)
Meanwhile/luckily i have this to comfort me.
The Kooks - Sway.
Luke Pritchard (pictured above) = heavenly and guess what his birthday is on March 2nd making him Pisces. Therefore we are perfect for each other.
Other famous Pisceans I would like to make babies (much more so than with Luke actually) with include:
Kurt Cobain <3
Johnny Cash <3
Emile Hirsch (hE'S MA FAVE EVER) <3
Chris Martin <3
and Luke Pasqualino (okay fine he is one day off but still...)
and also I bet Merlin the wizard was a pisces i can just sense it. no proof though. <3
I will add more to this sweet sweet list of Love in the near future.
Pisces Daily Horoscope April 13, 2010
i used exit mould and then went and got the multi purpose spray also. I sprayed them both in there together. Then i read the exit mould label.
Do not mix with other products as it may cause toxic fumes. so i was like. Oh. Shit. and imagined the shower blowing up. yeah that's right into flames. don't ask me i didn't do chemistry.
so i ran away. went and watched river cottage. Hugh cooked a sea bass in a pot.
then i felt anxious about the possible damage i may have done so i went back and hosed the shower down. And now i am red and splotchy and my hands are like elephant hide. kind of worried.......?
well. ‘Tis TyM 4 GoSsIp GiRl =D =D =D

i nEEd them.
p.s. to my little friend who helped me with my blog name you know who you are
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