Seww. worked yesterday at the cafe *stabs.cuts.dies* Had an awful day i drank 3 double ristrettos (for those of you who are retartd non coffee drinkers / only order flat whites or even worse CAPPUCCINO) it is a like a short black (again if you don't know what that is you should probably go away now and be a sewwww ashamed) which is an espresso (...still not understanding... you should probably plan your untimely death). Its the little cups of what you would call black (i call it golden liquid amber) stuff that come out of the machine. anyway ristrettos get put through a different pouring method which is great because it means it tastes less bitter and therefore there is no need to add sugar to it.
DELISH! =D Plz feel free 2 b totez jealous of my interesting life.
Well here is my issew/RANT 4 2dai.
2 ladies at the register today. One (she was italian so i will call her ilady is purchasing a (hideous) jacket in size Small.
me: so just the small jacket today?
iLady: Yes please.
me: Okay that will be $55 thank you.
iLady: okay thank you can i wear it now
me: sure of course i will just cut the tag off for you and print your receipt
Her heffer of a friend sidles over using a shopping trolley as support as she clearly is not yet in need of a wheel chair. Yet.
iLady: Look i'm getting this jacket isn't it lovely.
heffer lady: ohhh you are a size small ??? THAT IS JUST RIDICULOUS !!!!!!!
iLady: no it isn't!!!!!!! THEY HAVE SIZE XS AND SIZE XXS HERE!!!!!!!!!
she looks up at me. i am currently death staring her.
heffer lady : Oh sorry.... are you an xxs?
me: yes in most things in this store.
heffer lady: Oh . well. sorry. no offense or anything. I suppose that is what all 16 year olds wear though isn't it?
me: I'm nineteen.
heffer lady: oh. are you?
me: yes. it is a school day.
heffer lady: OHHHH. well you must exercise ALOT!!!!! *gives me huge smiles and tries to back away with trolley/walking aid*
me: no. hardly ever. i drink alot of coffee. and i have an excessively fast metabolism. oh . and excellent genes. my mum is petite. LIKE ME.
so thank you . to everyone out there who is jealous of smaller statured people just stop! there is no rhyme or reason into saying rude things to people's faces who are just trying 2 be nice. Imagine if i actually voiced my opinion to heffer lady. "OH BY THE WAY ANYONE WHO IS A SIZE XXL DESERVES TO DIE"
this has nothing to do about me actually taking offense to someone being jealous of my size i don't care everyone has different bodies and i value people for their inner aura and energy. not their size. i am just sick of f-ing rude people in general in life who think they can say what they like, when they like, and do whatever they like at the expense of other people's feelings.
so back to my story about yesterday. Was soo shaky. Actually started talking to myself. (Also so shaky dropped my mobile in the bath whilst texting DWoz it was fyn!!!) Walking around my house. No actually power walking slash galloping. And when i have too much coffee i clean things. With alot of bleach. Also babywipes are amazing to stop the dust collecting. But i couldn't even do that last night. I was so tired from the night before had too much coffee had like 4 hours sleep. But not tired enough to actually sleep @ all. So i decided i will out do this caffeine and counter act it with.
2 ladies at the register today. One (she was italian so i will call her ilady is purchasing a (hideous) jacket in size Small.
me: so just the small jacket today?
iLady: Yes please.
me: Okay that will be $55 thank you.
iLady: okay thank you can i wear it now
me: sure of course i will just cut the tag off for you and print your receipt
Her heffer of a friend sidles over using a shopping trolley as support as she clearly is not yet in need of a wheel chair. Yet.
iLady: Look i'm getting this jacket isn't it lovely.
heffer lady: ohhh you are a size small ??? THAT IS JUST RIDICULOUS !!!!!!!
iLady: no it isn't!!!!!!! THEY HAVE SIZE XS AND SIZE XXS HERE!!!!!!!!!
she looks up at me. i am currently death staring her.
heffer lady : Oh sorry.... are you an xxs?
me: yes in most things in this store.
heffer lady: Oh . well. sorry. no offense or anything. I suppose that is what all 16 year olds wear though isn't it?
me: I'm nineteen.
heffer lady: oh. are you?
me: yes. it is a school day.
heffer lady: OHHHH. well you must exercise ALOT!!!!! *gives me huge smiles and tries to back away with trolley/walking aid*
me: no. hardly ever. i drink alot of coffee. and i have an excessively fast metabolism. oh . and excellent genes. my mum is petite. LIKE ME.
so thank you . to everyone out there who is jealous of smaller statured people just stop! there is no rhyme or reason into saying rude things to people's faces who are just trying 2 be nice. Imagine if i actually voiced my opinion to heffer lady. "OH BY THE WAY ANYONE WHO IS A SIZE XXL DESERVES TO DIE"
this has nothing to do about me actually taking offense to someone being jealous of my size i don't care everyone has different bodies and i value people for their inner aura and energy. not their size. i am just sick of f-ing rude people in general in life who think they can say what they like, when they like, and do whatever they like at the expense of other people's feelings.
so i ran a bath. (care 2 join? bet u do. pervert.)
and drank gin and tonics until i WAZ well slowed down. So much so that i slept like a log and had the most...
AMAZING amazing Amazing AMAzINnGgGgG
literally was divine!!! i think i might stop this post now and dedic8 / give it its own post it was that good. I am going to find pictures for it to help illustrate my wonderful and vivid dream. sew sew excited!!!
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