Thursday, July 15, 2010

Archie Comics

I fking [ love/adore/makes me so so happy ] the Archie comics. I think i First started reading them when i was about 9. anyway. they make me happy. i find fewer & fewer things in life these days make me happy. archie comics are one of them. i hate how archie fucks around with betty and veronica though. as if he could ever ACTUALLY get either of them if it was real life. but i suppose that is the fun of it. i like to think of myself as veronica. i will crush you betty becoz i am and always will be better than u.

Meanwhile the only other thing making me happy is another beloved brunette.
Katie Price aka Jordan.
i love her and watch her show What Katie Did Next.
its on Lifestyle You.
i LOVE zis show & i love everything about her.
judge all you will but please refrain until you've watched her reality show.
you don't know her like i do ok slutz?

lacking motivation for blogging slash reality slash life in general these days.
i'm going to make myself feel better now with a long luscious time spent with my hair straightener and get my nails painted.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

so basically i dig chavs ...

*Faints with delight*
i have a thing for shaved head/violent/passionate/smartarseborderlinefuckwit/abusive/angry/powerful/psychotic/obsessive/most definitely british only....type
**Note**(this little type casting i enjoy does not apply to revolting bogan australian jocks. they are well gross. Only exception to this rule are sexi wog boiz and that dude off prisonbreak.)

so i'm sure you can see why i bought this excellent film based on its cover alone last week on my break at work.
best film i've watched in awhile i'm sure not one people would expect me to enjoy.
It's not a feel good movie but i just really really really enjoyed watching it.
got really involved ...thought it was so realistic and raw (so sick of THE U S AND OF A film/tv)
the violence is epic ... not in the way that it's like disgusting or grotesque like horror films.
just because it's a more realistic kind of violence...boys losing their minds and just attacking.

The lowlight for me was Elijah Wood.
Basically...elijah wood has a vagina / every moment you see him all you can think is WHERE IS SAM AND GOLLUM AND MY GOD I HOPE HE GETS RID OF THAT RING SOOOnnn.....
oh wait its not fkin lord of the rings that is just elijah wood's irritating lack of facial expressions
also just that basically elijah wood is a pussy the whole film and then like thinks hes a hard bastard by the end and shit....
just like....yeah wow no elijah you don't...go back to the shire...

watch it. the last fight scene i cried in :(
and i think the main and most obvious reason why i loved it is my new found love.
Pete aka real life name Charlie Hunnam
Oh hello beautiful chav !!! let me stroke your luscious shaved head !!!
